Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Bus

Oh! lovely lovely lovely bus! How I love you. Your chuck full of sweaty, smelly people and crying babies. You’re so efficient. You arrive on time every day and always get me to my destination quickly. There is always a pleasant spot for me to sit in and I never have to stand and fall all over the other passengers. There is always someone interesting to talk to, someone with a booming voice that is louder then any headphone know to man. Oh bus! Your divers are so courteous and they always graciously welcome me with a smile. Did I mention that they are so attractive? And the way they drive! With the grace of a swan and the fervor of a cat in heat. Lovely Lovely Lovely LOVELY bus.


captain sunshine said...

I sure wish.

Oh bus, oh noise, oh smelly bus. Full of your dithering students, unable to shut their gaping food-holes and MOVE BACK, PLEASE. Selfish empty space at your odorous hindquarters. O! If you weren't so effective on my slow, groggy mornings.

(btw my word verification thing here was "khbput", and I thought it was an excellent word so here. Khbput!)

---> ACE?!?! said...


i wish that people were less
