Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So the Kite Runner is totally breaking my heart and I’m only half way through.
glares at val
but I love it, but is making me sad.


School has been pretty good so far. I have strings, art english and math. I like every class except for math. It just kills me. I get so bored in class, not because it’s too easy, not because it’s too hard. I just can’t pay attention in math class and I just find it so grossly dull. I really couldn’t care less about functions or quadratics and all that crap that we have to learn. I fully understand that math is important; it makes the world go round (or so say my father in his infinite wisdom) I wish that all I was taught practical math. The kind of math that gets your taxes done or any other kind of math that is used daily. You could argue that its necessary for sciences or if a student is going into any area that requires heavy math. Why do I have to take another course no something that is wasting my time. I already know my general math from grade 9 and 10 and I could be taking another class that relates to what I want to go to university for. How come we are only required to take one art credit and three maths?! I am going to be an artist or musician and most math I’ll ever use is for measurements for art projects (and they will only require simple calculations) Maybe I’m so opposed to this kind of math because I still don’t see it as a necessary thing for m everyday life and because I just can’t seem to bend my mind around it sometimes. Oh well, I’ll suffer through my math class, hope to pass and be done with it. I’ll never have to take math again, thank the gods.

Wow what a tangent rant I went on there.
AH yes, that’s what I was thinking about before I got so gurr about math . ORCHESTRAS!!!
This year I am in three of them. East Hamilton Strings, Hamilton East Chamber Ensemble and The Westdale Symphonic Orchestra. As well as private lessons as well as music class this semester at Westdale! Holy crap. And my friends wanted me to join Westdale’s chamber as well. Oh also I’m still in Sts. Peter and Paul’s youth choir, joining Westdale’s new choir and having a vocal/ theory lesson. I’m also thinking of fitting in being a band member for Westdale’s musical, “ Cabaret” since I can’t dance with my stupid hurt ankle. HOLY CRAP.
oh well.


Valentina said...




Anyways, I'm glad you're enjoying all your classes and holy crap don't die from all this stuff you're doing. But I shouldn't say anything about being overwhelmed. *glares at list of 12 thigns or clubs I'm going to be in*

Valentina said...

And about Kite Runner, when I got to chapter 18 I was reading in the backyard and burst into tears and I was sobbing. My family thought I lost a limb or something.

It will break your heart and then fart on it but it's so worth it. The book is amazing but really hard to read because of the way it yanks and tugs and pulls insistently on your heart strings.

captain sunshine said...

Grr. Math. The stupid thing is, I barely even understand this /basic/ stuff. If you send me into the store, I don't know how to figure out how much tax I have to pay! I struggle to make change with money! I forget every year how to add/multiply fractions, and I haven't memorized the times tables. I failed grade ten math, and as I'm sitting through lessons I've already heard, they aren't any easier than when they were new. I'm even trying it in my mother tongue this time. WHY IS THIS?

(Kite Runner = : D)

BE IN THE BAND FOR CABARET! DO IT DO IT. 8D I want to crew it up, since I can't dance anyway. I was sorta thinking about the choir being fun too, but I didn't really pay any attention to the announcements.

Holy long message. :C
It's just because I don't write anything on my own so-called blog.

---> ACE?!?! said...

@ val:
you only need one senoir math credit.

@ my lovely rex!
math is death. im in the sme boat is you i just know the bare basics...
and that has seemed to halp me just barely pass gr 9 and 10.

and sweet. i really wanted to try out for Caberet, but my stupid ankel!!!